We periodically blog with the vaping newbie in mind, because as interest in electronic cigarettes grow, more and more people search for current and relevant information on what an electronic cigarette is, what vaping is all about and how to avoid common pitfalls. Obviously, switching to electronic cigarettes is a no-brainer for any smoker, but the massive range of complicated ecigs on the market, plus the truly mind-boggling array of technical jargon can easily be, and frequently is, confusing, frustrating and intimidating for new vapers. As a result, many smokers are put off vaping, and that is a tragedy.
As unfortunate as it is, there are countless smokers who try to make the transition to e-cigs, only to revert back to smoking because of simple mistakes and a general lack of information. In this article, we will go over the five most common mistakes new vapers make. Hopefully, if you are planning to switch to electronic cigarettes and come across this article, you will have a much better chance to quit smoking. So, one by one, here are the major mistakes you want to avoid if you want to successfully stop smoking and enter the world of vaping: